Frequently asked questions.

If you’re a home-based Travel Planner, how can I trust my personal information will be kept safe and secure? Are you insured?

All of your personal details are kept on host agency Travel Edge’s secure server, in the cloud. Any notes and written records are thoroughly shredded once uploaded to their server.

I am professionally insured by Lloyd’s of London.

What does it mean that you work with Host Agency Travel Edge? What is Travel Edge?

Travel Edge is a $750 million company specializing in Leisure, Corporate & Events, and Tours travel. Their Leisure division has 10 offices in the US, Canada, and Bermuda, with over 750 expert advisors. These advisors have a wide range of specialties including Air, Cruise, Vacation, and VIP travel.

They specialize in tailored and full-service travel management solutions supported by the latest online travel booking and reporting technology.

With Travel Edge as my host agency, you’ll have access to industry leading promotions, exclusive hotel rates & room upgrades, elevated amenities, & first in class experiences not found in any brochure.

Travel Edge are licensed members of TICO (Travel Industry Council of Ontario) and a registered supplier with IATA. Travel Edge is incorporated in Ontario, Canada and are fully insured.

Do you offer a discount for CASH or CHECK payments?

YES… and no. It depends on the operator and whether they are charging us to use your credit card. Most cruise lines & travel insurance, for example, absorb that cost and it’s not something I can reduce. Custom land arrangements however, can usually be discounted up to 3% of your total. Paying by cash or check is a great way to save on the total cost of your holiday.

Cash and check payments go to a legitimate business bank account - separate from my own.

I don’t see other Private Travel Planners or agencies offering discounts like you are. How are you able to do that?

As an Independent Travel Planner, I am entitled to a larger percentage of total commission on booked trips than when I worked at brick & mortar agencies. If you as an Annual Subscription client of PLAN A are committed to using our services year after year, you should absolutely get a cut.

The amount of time & advertising dollars I save with repeat clients & referrals has to be more than acknowledged - it needs to be rewarded.

My credit card provides travel insurance, do I need to buy it from you?

I can provide a thoroughly researched report of your credit card protection versus Old Republic [TIPS]. With Covid-19 now a known element, it’s important to assess your coverage to be sure it’s adequate given our new normal. Travel Insurance is not always easy to understand. Knowing how you’re protected on your credit card versus TIPS allows you to make a more informed decision, which I believe provides added peace of mind. Don’t hesitate to ask for a comparison if you’re at all unsure about your credit card coverage.

Travel Insurance premiums are calculated on risk - your age, any pre-existing medical conditions, how long you will be away and the cost of your holiday are all necessary factors in determining this protection.

If I do need to purchase Travel Insurance through you, how soon after I place a trip deposit does this need to happen?

Typically, you will have a maximum of 7 days from the placement of a deposit to add Trip Cancellation & Interruption insurance, whether you book your adventure thru me or another. Medical Insurance can be purchased up to your day of departure. Savings are best when you purchase a plan that protects both your funds as well as your health at the same time.

We are licensed to sell to Alberta residents under Plan A Travel Solutions and to Ontario residents under Travel Edge ( Canada ) Inc.

If you reside in another province please click here.

My trip isn’t in the US, but my trip cost is in USD$. WHY?

Many countries around the world use the US Dollar as their benchmark. Due to it’s high volatility, to ensure minimal loss to us with currency conversions, and to avoid potential increases in cost to you, PLAN A quotes in USD when we are quoted in USD. All other currencies will be converted into CAD$ with the exchange rate clearly indicated for transparency.